Spiritual Emphasis Week is an opportunity for our school community to reset and lean into our spiritual theme for the year: Inside Out Upside Down. Summit Ministries will be on campus for the week leading daily chapels and spending time with students as we look at how we can stand firm for Christ!
Jonathan Noyes
Jonathon has worked as a speaker with Stand to Reason since 2019. A former atheist, Jonathan used to think belief in God was unwarranted and irresponsible. Then, after examining the evidence for Christianity, he was faced with the fact that Jesus is who He says He is, and the Christian worldview tells the true story of reality.
Since then, Jon has been passionate about engaging the culture with honest, thoughtful reasons why people should trust the Christian worldview. Jon has developed a series of dynamic talks to do just that.
In 2013, Jonathan earned a master’s in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, graduating with honors. Jon brings a unique perspective to his audiences and the Stand to Reason team, having more than ten years of experience in the legal field and serving more
than five as a pastor in his local church.
Jon also serves on the board of directors for Life Without Limbs and at Beacon Hill Classical Academy, where he teaches discipleship.
Mark and Anne Erikson
Mark and Anne Erikson work at Summit Ministries in Manitou Springs, Colorado. Mark leads Powered by Summit Ministries (a program designed to take customized worldview training on the road to groups who request it).
Anne is a ministry assistant for Powered by Summit. Mark and Anne have 30 years of experience in local church ministry. Before coming to Summit, Mark planted a church in the Detroit suburbs and served on the staff of a large church in northeast Ohio, where he founded a
ministry to international students.
The Eriksons have two adult children (Kyle and Rachel) who live in Texas. Mark and Anne love good food, books, and hikes with their dog, Lincoln.
What's Happening
In addition to daily chapel, Jonathon and the Eriksons will be visiting classrooms and spending time with students throughout the day and week.
Here is the schedule break-down of topics. at chapel and in the MS/HS classrooms.
Tuesday, 1/21
- Elementary Chapel - Truth is What is Real
- MS/HS Chapel - The Truth About Relativism
- MS/HS Bible and Science Classes - Intelligent Design
Wednesday, 1/22
- Elementary Chapel - God is Truth
- MS/HS Chapel - Why I'm a Christian: An Atheist's Bump into Reality
- MS/HS Bible Classes - Is the New Testament Reliable?
Thursday, 1/23
- Elementary Chapel - The Word of God is Truth
- MS/HS Chapel - The Problem of Evil
- MS/HS Bible Classes - Q&A Session
Friday, 1/24
- Elementary Chapel - Jesus is the Truth
- MS/HS Chapel - Thinking Biblically About Suicide
- MS/HS Bible Classes - Q&A Session
How You Can Support Spiritual Emphasis Week
Talk to your students! Ask them about the speakers and the topics covered each day in chapel.
Join your students in Chapel! Elementary Chapel is 8:30am and MS/HS Chapel is at 10:15am.
Ask them for examples on what it means to stand firm in Christ even when it's not the popular thing to do.
More Details
Here is more on the topics for MS/HS Chapel sessions.
The Truth About Relativism
We live in a relativistic world where truth has become secondary to feelings and pleasure. During this talk, Jon will explain the history of relativism and show how it's become a prominent belief in our culture, influencing all areas of life, including morality and even the church. He then offers some tools that help others see what's wrong with relativism and why it doesn't accurately reflect the world around us.
Why I’m A Christian: An Atheist's Bump Into Reality
Why do you believe what you say you believe? For many years, Jon would ask his believing friends those very questions. The answers he got were not persuasive, and usually, he left the conversation more affirmed in his atheism. The reason we should believe something is because accurately reflects the way the world is. In this talk, Jon explores his past as an atheist and shows why he had to make the worldview change he did as his atheism started bumping him into reality. Some bumps were harder than others.
The Problem of Evil
This was Jon’s nail in the coffin as he tried to persuade Christians to abandon religion and join as an atheist. If God is so good, why is there so much evil? This question has caused more people to struggle with their faith than any other — so much so it has been called the “Rock of Atheism.” In this presentation, Jon looks at the problem as it’s classically stated, showing that it’s not problem for the Christian. It’s a problem for the skeptic
Thinking Biblically About Suicide
This is the most critical talk many will hear, and that has little to do with the presentation of Jon and everything to do with what so many people are facing right now in their lives. Whether it's something you wrestle with personally or a struggling friend, suicide has affected all of us and is the center of the cultural conversation. In this talk, Jon seeks to give you tools to address suicide in your own life or the life of someone close to you. He does this by answering three questions: Why is this important? Why do people contemplate suicide? What can we do? This topic is too important not to discuss.