Shiloh Board of Directors

Board Responsibility 

Shiloh's Board of Directors has the responsibility for the establishment, guidance, and spiritual headship in the operation of the school and is called to do so with operational integrity.

The Board is the policy setting body of the school, with the school administration having the responsibility for the implementation of the Board's policies.

The authority of the Board is corporate, with individual members having responsibility only as authorized by the Board as a whole.

Lastly, it is the responsibility of the Board to be spiritual leaders in the school, to seek God's will and direction for the school, and to take responsibility for preservation and restoration of right relations, primarily our relations with God (Galatians 6:1,2; James 5:19,20; Isaiah 55:7).

Contact Shiloh's Board of Directors at

Meeting Schedule & Details

Shiloh Board of Director meetings begin with an open general session. Shiloh families and staff are welcome to attend general session. Board of Director meeting dates can be found on the school calendar available in the Shiloh App or the FACT Family Portal.

Meeting minutes can be requested in the front office.

Board Handbook

Shiloh's Board of Directors Handbook provides a comprehensive guide for the smooth operation of Shiloh Christian School. The handbook outlines the role and responsibility of the board along with governing policy to ensure the long-term stability and sustainability of our school.  This handbook is reviewed annually and serves as reference point in decision making.

Board of Directors Handbook


Board Committees

Shiloh's Board of Directors utilizes standing committees to help oversee and coordinate specific issues so the board as whole can focus on broader strategic direction. The committees include:

  1. Learning/Academics
  2. Whole-Student Development
  3. Sustainability & Growth
  4. Safe & Healthy Learning Environment
  5. Executive
  6. Nominating

Engage with the Board

There are two ways stakeholders can engage with the Shiloh Board of Directors.

  1. Request to meet with a board committee. This is a great first step in engaging with the board. Identify the committee that best matches your area of concern as these are the board members that will be most versed in that area.
  2. Request to formally appear before the board at a regularly scheduled board meeting. This would ensure that you/your item is on the agenda and any necessary preparation steps have been completed.

Meet with a Board Committee

To request to meet with a board committee, please email Members of each committee are identified below. 

Request to Appear at Board Meeting

To request to be on a board meeting agenda, please email and include the following information at least 5 days prior to the meeting:

  • Date of meeting requested
  • Anticipated amount of time needed
  • Whether you've consulted with the appropriate individuals (e.g., teachers, coaches, or other staff members) and what the outcomes of those discussions were.

Board Members

Brandi Pelham
Board President

Committees: Whole Student Development, Sustainability & Growth

Brandi Pelham is a graduate of Shiloh's class of 1997. She graduated with a BS in Information Systems from Taylor University and a Master's Degree in Public Administration from UND.  She and her husband, Zachary, have four children enrolled at Shiloh.
Brandi explains her passion for our school, "Shiloh plays an important role in raising our children. We value the Christian foundation that our children receive in academics, fine arts and sports. The impact that teachers and coaches have on our children is immeasurable."
Her favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Karen Backman

Committees: Learning & Academics 

Karen has been part of Shiloh Christian School since 1984. After many years of teaching third grade, she retired in 2017. All four of her children graduated from Shiloh, as have four of her grandchildren. Currently, Karen has three granddaughters attending Shiloh.

Karen explains "Shiloh has played a significant role in our family’s life. We deeply value the biblical teachings and relationships we have gained through being part of this community. My husband, Rod, and I often say that one of the best decisions we made as parents was enrolling our children in Shiloh Christian School!"

While Proverbs 3:5-6 is her favorite Bible verse, Karen shares that Psalm 100:5 holds special meaning for for her when she thinks of her family and Shiloh: “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

Brad Kurle

Committees: Safe & Healthy Environment

Brad Kurle and his wife, Ashley, have two children at Shiloh, Nora and Nathan. Brad works as a supervisory electrical engineer with Western Area Power Administration. Ashley works as a teacher's aide at Shiloh.

Brad and Ashley are very involved in the music ministry of Bismarck Bible Baptist Church, and Brad has served as an adult Sunday School teacher for 20 years. Their family has a large board game collection, and they enjoy road trips to national and state parks in the summer.

Brad loves helping people learn new things, and he has a passion for seeing people grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. His favorite Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Shiloh is very important to Brad because it allows his children to learn and grow in a Christ-centered environment every day. "While society is continually pushing itself away from God, Shiloh encourages my children to grow in their walk with the Lord."

David Wonnenberg

Committees: Sustainability & Growth, Safe & Healthy Environment 

David and his wife, Tovey, are both graduates of Shiloh's class of 1991. Their three oldest children - Spencer, Xander, and Elizabeth - graduated from Shiloh, and their youngest, Jack is currently at Shiloh.

Tovey and David both graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1997 and then returned home to Bismarck and started working in David's parents' convenience stores. Those stores, along with some acquisitions, turned into Red Carpet Carwash.

David explains, "We were blessed to grow that company over the years and it was sold recently. As I decide what is next up as far as my professional career, I decided to try and help our school in whatever way I can over the next couple of years until Jack graduates."

He goes on to share "Shiloh is special to me for many reasons. It's where I met my friends. It's where I met my family. It's a place where our kids grew and learned to be the people they are today. There are so many great things happening, and with any organization, there is always room to make improvements. So many great people working so hard to make things better for our kids and our community."

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Chad Johnson

Committees: Sustainability & Growth

Chad is a Bottineau, ND native and graduate of Bottineau High School. He is a graduate of Minot State University with a degree in business finance and works at a local community bank.

He is married to Marie and has two kids enrolled to Shiloh, Ethan and Kassidy. Chad enjoys spending his free time at Lake Isabel with family and watching Minnesota Vikings and Timberwolves games.

Chad explains, "Shiloh is important to me as it gives the opportunity for my kids to get a good education while being able to freely continue their walk with God at the same time."

Galatians 2:20: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Su-Lin Werner

Committees: Learning & Academics, Sustainability & Growth 

Su-Lin is married to John Werner. Her son, Samuel Tschider is a Shiloh graduate having attended Shiloh preschool - 12th grade, 16 years!

Su-Lin is a licensed CPA and graduate of the University of North Dakota. Her professional experience is in financial operations and management accounting and she has served in public accounting, banking and the energy sectors.

Su-Lin is currently co-owner and CFO of a propane distribution company in Montana. She feels fortunate to have served at Shiloh as a volunteer for 17 years, substitute teacher over the last 5 years, and now as a Board member.

Colossians 3:18-25 is one of her go-to verses as those verses provide instructions for Christian households and is also why Shiloh is so important to to her. 

Colossians 3: 23 says Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. She explains, "We have been truly blessed by being a part of the Shiloh family for more than 17 years. Shiloh has provided my child with academic excellence based on a Christian foundation. I pray Shiloh continues to be a community that impacts lives like it did ours."

Mark C. Peterson

Committees: Safe & Healthy Environment