Note from the Counselors

Parent Resources

The information below is from the Conscious Discipline website:

ABC’s for Parents of Little Ones

Brain Breaks and Active Calming

Caring Connections Calendar

Family Cell Phone Agreement and Cell Phone Parking Lot


If you are seeing behavior changes in your son/daughter, talk with him/her about what may be the underlying reasons for their frustrations.  Now more than ever safety and active calming have become mission-critical for families everywhere. Regardless of how many years we have been developing our own social emotional tool set, it’s difficult to help a child co-regulate when we feel anxious ourselves. It’s important to remember:

*Our calm increases children’s calm.

*You are the most important safe place for your child.

*The brain requires safety and connection. Be intentional about cultivating both.

*Create a “new normal” together using routines and play.

*Provide helpful ways for children to contribute every day.

Here is a visual of things you may be seeing in him/her, and the things that may be going on with them under the surface.  If you need to talk, feel free to contact your counselors at or

social distancing helps

Counseling Corner-Elementary

Shiloh Christian School Counseling Program Mission Statement:

As professional school counselors at Shiloh Christian School, our mission is to provide a comprehensive, developmental, and preventative school counseling program that addresses the academic, career, personal and social development of every student, in an environment that weds our school’s core values with biblical values, which nurture faith, community, prayer and service, thereby, enabling our students to be positive participants in a global society.

Coffee with the Counselors

Stay tuned for dates for 2019-20!

Challenging Growth

Here are some things to consider:

Challenge Growth in Families Video

Conscious Discipline

Conscious Discipline


Elementary Classroom Schedule

Meet our Counselor

Elementary Counselor

Kathleen Wrigley, MS, LICSW
Elementary School Counselor

Kathleen Wrigley serves as Shiloh’s elementary school counselor. Kathleen is contracted to be in her office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Kathleen received her first Masters degree in social work from Temple University in Philadelphia. Most recently, Kathleen completed her second Masters in Science in School Counseling, at the University of Mary in Bismarck. Kathleen is a licensed independent clinical social worker in the state of North Dakota. Kathleen’s experience in this field dates back to the mid-1990s. Kathleen worked with adjudicated delinquents who were ordered to counseling by the juvenile courts. She was the director of the Child Advocacy Center. She was a child forensic investigator/interviewer, and also had a child and family therapist practice. 

Kathleen and her husband, Drew, have three children: Quinn, a Shiloh graduate and freshman at Concordia College; Patrick, a Shiloh junior; and Harper, a 6th grader at Shiloh. Kathleen is a Philadelphia native. She has lived in North Dakota for more than 22 years, and considers North Dakota her home away from home.  Kathleen is the Vice President of the Officer Daniel Boyle Memorial Scholarship Fund, sits on the board for Great Plains Food Bank, and is Vice President of the Bismarck Public Schools Crisis Team. She enjoys volunteering at church and community events. 

The culmination of Kathleen’s professional, personal, and family experiences have brought her to Shiloh as our school counselor. She often proclaims to have “the best job at Shiloh.” You cannot miss Mrs. Wrigley’s office, located just outside the Commons Area. She loves to dress up in costumes, hug and high five the students, keep kids safe and happy in school, and help students navigate their success. Mrs. Wrigley’s days are spent coordinating classroom counseling lessons, directing the TNT (Trust in Teens) mentoring program and the Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) Dads program, meeting with individual students, parents, and teachers, running small groups for new students and those who are in need of extra connection or direction, and connecting families to community services.  Mrs. Wrigley is an advocate for little people and an ambassador of Jesus through her work at Shiloh Christian. She will tell you that her job at Shiloh challenges her to be her best self and brings her immense joy. 


Counseling Corner-MS-HS
Watch D.OG.S. Program
Trust in Teens TNT Mentor Program
College Scholarships